Le rêve de Jean
The film tells the story of an exceptional artistic adventure: the creation of the Cyclop by Jean Tinguely with Niki de Saint Phalle and their artist friends between 1969 and 1994, in a forest near Paris. Jean Tinguely wanted to prove that a work of art is not a finished creation, but has its own life with an array of possibilitities: the work of art itself cna be capable of creation. A text
The film tells the story of an exceptional artistic adventure: the creation of the Cyclop by Jean Tinguely with Niki de Saint Phalle and their artist friends between 1969 and 1994, in a forest near Paris. Jean Tinguely wanted to prove that a work of art is not a finished creation, but has its own life with an array of possibilitities: the work of art itself cna be capable of creation. A text written by Niki de Saint Phalle and interpreted by Jeanne Balibar, as well as an interview of Jean Tinguely shot in the Cyclop and original archives accompagny those who lived through this adventure.
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Français
- Subtitles
- Allemand
Italien - Director
- Anne Julien
Louise Faure - Ratio
- 4/3
- Audio
- Stéréo 2.0
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor