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This film is based on a press notice in a Lausanne newspaper. It tells the story of a young drug addict who commits suicide after nine months of custody. In his cell, Salvatore thinks of his wife Marie and his son Simon; he writes, fantasizes, reads the story "Lost Face" by Jack London and identifies with its hero. He imagines his grandfather following the mourners along the Way of the Cross on
This film is based on a press notice in a Lausanne newspaper. It tells the story of a young drug addict who commits suicide after nine months of custody. In his cell, Salvatore thinks of his wife Marie and his son Simon; he writes, fantasizes, reads the story "Lost Face" by Jack London and identifies with its hero. He imagines his grandfather following the mourners along the Way of the Cross on Passion Sunday. This film confronts us with various aspects of reality (drugs, prison...). It is not a film about prison, but about a prisoner. Salvatore will die at the age of 25.
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Français
- Director
- Jacqueline Veuve
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor