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Thorberg is the Alcatraz of Switzerland, a totally secluded prison perched on a boulder, a ghetto with convicts from over 40 nations. It is a mirror of our globalized world and its depths of despair. They say this is where the really bad guys are kept. But how bad is bad? How does one become bad? Is this the way one becomes better?
Thorberg is the Alcatraz of Switzerland, a totally secluded prison perched on a boulder, a ghetto with convicts from over 40 nations. It is a mirror of our globalized world and its depths of despair. They say this is where the really bad guys are kept. But how bad is bad? How does one become bad? Is this the way one becomes better?
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Allemand
Français - Subtitles
- Allemand
Français - Director
- Dieter Fahrer
- Ratio
- 16/9
- Zone
- Zone 2
- Audio
- Dolby Digital 5.1
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor