Once upon a time...the Americas
"Once upon a time... the Americas" tells us the story of this vast continent. Our friendly little heroes will take us to discover the various stages that sometimes tore apart, sometimes united the people of this land, from the earlier hunters to the Incas up to the first settlers from Europe...
"Once upon a time... the Americas" tells us the story of this vast continent. Our friendly little heroes will take us to discover the various stages that sometimes tore apart, sometimes united the people of this land, from the earlier hunters to the Incas up to the first settlers from Europe... The list of episodes 1 - The first Americans 2 - The hunters 3 - The conquerors of the Great North 4 - The Promised Land 5 - The Tumulus builders 6 - The Aztecs before the conquest 7 - Christopher Colombus' dream 8 - America ! 9 - Cortes and the Aztecs 10 - Que viva Mexico ! 11 - Pizarro and the Inca empire 12 - Jacques Cartier 13 - The age of the conquistadores 14 - Champlain 15 - England and the 13 colonies 16 - The Indians in the 17th century 17 - The end of the french dream 18 - The Indians in the 18th century 19 - The 13 colonies towards independence 20 - The war of independence 21 - Ebony wood (slavery) 22 - The pioneers 23 - Simon Bolivar 24 - The goldrush 25 - The end of the indian people 26 - Towards the 20th century
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Anglais
Français - Director
- Albert Barillé
- Ratio
- 4/3
- Zone
- Zone 2
- Audio
- Stéréo 2.0
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- 0
- Media number
- 0
- Production year
- 0
- Edition Year
- 0
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor