A courtyard in a part of Zurich which is inhabited by "all nations"; domicile of the authors; a film spontaneously grown out of the idea, Why not start a project just in front of one's own door ? Meeting faces, destinies, by chance, following the world of Claudio Magris, Any place can be the centre of the world. Of course there are at once questions about the origins of the inhabitants, about
A courtyard in a part of Zurich which is inhabited by "all nations"; domicile of the authors; a film spontaneously grown out of the idea, Why not start a project just in front of one's own door ? Meeting faces, destinies, by chance, following the world of Claudio Magris, Any place can be the centre of the world. Of course there are at once questions about the origins of the inhabitants, about feeling homesick, being well or not in a foreign country, about how comes you feel at home, generally, at certain place or not. Friendships are beginning to arise, faces become familiar. Young and old people look for adventures of their own in the courtyard, one arrives, one goes and turns back, maybe one leaves forever. The work on the film was overshaded by the premature death of Hans Stürm, both companion and cameraman.
Data sheet
- Support
- Director
- Beatrice Michels
- Audio
- Dolby Digital 2.0
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor