Collectors are cryptic types who tend to obsess the potential purchase of every new object. Regardless of whether it is an African statue or a contemporary painting, nothing is too beautiful or too expensive for this sort. From Geneva to Brussels, Lisbon and Paris, the film takes great delight in these passions, which are only openly admitted with a great deal of reluctance.
Collectors are cryptic types who tend to obsess the potential purchase of every new object. Regardless of whether it is an African statue or a contemporary painting, nothing is too beautiful or too expensive for this sort. The documentary film opens doors otherwise closed to the world, thanks to the assistance from such world-famous collectors as Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller and his family, Pierre Dartevelle, Yvon Lambert and Pierre Huber. From Geneva to Brussels, Lisbon and Paris, the film takes great delight in these passions, which are only openly admitted with a great deal of reluctance.
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Français
- Director
- Roland Pellarin
- Ratio
- 16/9
- Zone
- Zone 2
- Audio
- DTS Stéréo 2.0
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor