Simply Living (Einfach leben) - French Edition
Ulrico, Sanna and Katharina try to remove themselves from the pressures of today's society and live in harmony with nature. But in the idyllic mountains around Val Lavizzara in the Ticino, dilemmas soon begin to emerge.
Ulrico, Sanna and Katharina try to remove themselves from the pressures of today's society and live in harmony with nature. But in the idyllic mountains around Val Lavizzara in the Ticino, dilemmas soon begin to emerge: how much technology is necessary and how much can be relinquished? Is there an acceptable way to compromise between the chosen lifestyle and the modern world? As the film plunges into its protagonists' complicated simple life, another question arises: will the old founders of this cooperative manage to hand over their life's work to a younger generation?
Data sheet
- Support
- Languages (audio)
- Suisse-allemand
- Subtitles
- Allemand
Italien - Director
- Hans Haldimann
- Ratio
- 16/9
- Zone
- Zone 2
- Audio
- Dolby Digital 5.1
- Format
- Pal
More info
- Running time
- Media number
- Production year
- Edition Year
- Production
- comediens
- Subtitles original
- Language original
- Sound original
- Nominations
- Original title
- Editor